Majority of the investors planning to establish a company in trading are interested in trading companies in Turkey. Trading activities generally refer to export and import activities. Therefore, one of the questions we receive very frequently is how to obtain export license in Turkey. As a result of such concern in this post we plan to answer this question by referring the following headings,

  • When I open a company in Turkey can I do export?
  • Do I need an export license in Turkey for my plans?
  • How can I get the export license in Turkey?

When I Open a Company in Turkey Can I Do Export ?

Company formation in Turkey is one of our expertise areas. Therefore, the visitors of our website probably have expensive amount of information about company registration in Turkey process. Thus, in this plan we do not again give information on such process. Our focus will be on export activities of Turkish companies.

Basically, a Limited Liability company in Turkey unless otherwise is not defined in the Article of Association of the company can perform export activities. In other words company in Turkey can export the goods from Turkey to another countries.

Do I need an Export License in Turkey?

There is no further license is required for export activities. However, on the other hand the company require to complete some formalities for export activities. There are semi-governmental organisations in Turkey with the name of Exporters Associations. We can categorize such associations both regional and sectoral basis. If a company in Turkey wishes to perform export activities must be a member of one of those associations. Some associations charge subscription fee to their members. Additionally, the members pay a contribution fee to the associations over their export amount. However, such contributions is at a symbolic rate. Consequently, we can say that there is not export license in Turkey, however an obligation to be a member of one of the exporters associations is mandatory.

How Can I get the Export License in Turkey?

As you can read in the above section there is not a such a license in Turkey. However, some formalities you may require completing before doing the first export. Such procedures might be complex for a foreigner investor in Turkey. Therefore we advise you to work with a reliable customs broker in Turkey. Customs broker may help you for the followings including but not limited to;

  • Exporters Associations memberships in Turkey
  • Customs foe the products you plan to import to Turkey
  • The government incentives you may have for the export of your goods from Turkey
  • Re-export activities of your company
  • Warehousing in Turkey

The above items are only as an example you can get very important support from your customs broker for your trading company in Turkey. In order to authorize a customs broker in Turkey at first you need to have a company in Turkey. Secondly, such company shall provide power of attorney the relevant customs broker in Turkey. Such power of attorney must be notarized by either notaries in Turkey or Turkish consulates.

In this post our goal was giving brief information on export license in Turkey and customs brokerage. For further details please reach us.


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