Syrians Can Purchase a Property in Turkey over their Company

Can Syrian Get Turkish Citizenship by Property Investment

As it is well known, the recent Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program became very attractive especially for Islamic community. The programme has 2 major methods;

1- Turkish Citizenship through 250.000-USD valued property purchase

2-Turkish citizenship through 500.000-USD bank deposit

As a result of the massive advertisements of the project developers 1st option is much more popular compared to second alternative. However, unfortunately not all nationalities are eligible for purchasing a property within Turkey.

The list of the citizens of eligible countries for purchasing a property in Turkey is circulated to Land Registry directorates, however it is not made public.

It is known clearly in sector that the citizens of Syria are not eligible for purchasing a property in Turkey. Yet it does not mean that Syrians can not get Turkish Citizenship by Investment. The other methods such as, Turkish Citizenship through 500.000-USD is open for Syrian citizens.

Since the number of Syrian citizens are very high in Turkey and the property method for Turkish Citizenship is more popular, there is a wrong perception that “Syrians Cannot Get Turkish Citizenship”. However, this statement is completely misleading. As a leader consultant for Turkish Citizenship through investment, we have completed numerous successful applications for Syrian citizens.

The process for Turkish Citizenship through 500.000USD bank deposit is similar to other methods. The main steps are as follows;

1- The applicant should make a 250.000-USD deposit to one of Turkish Banks.

2- The equivalent of other currencies such as Turkis Liras or Euro can be deposited as well

3- The relevant bank should obtain conformity document from the banking authority

4- Such investment amount cannot be withdrawn for 3 years

5-The interest revenue is possible from citizenship account

6-After the conformity document is obtained along with the other documents the citizenship application is made.

7-Approximately within 5 months the approval of the Turkish Citizenship is received.

Is it Possible for Syrian Citizens to Purchase a Property From Turkey ?

As it is explained at above sections, Syrians are not eligible for purchasing a property from Turkey as a legal person. However, the legal entities (companies) with Syrian shareholders may successfully purchase a property in Turkey.

There is no legal restriction for Syrians to establish a company in Turkey. A Syrian can easily open a company in Turkey without the requirement of a Turkish shareholder. The main documents for opening a company in Turkey by Syrians are passport and power of Attorney.

After a company is established by a Syrian citizen in Turkey, such company can purchase a property in Turkey. The company owned by a Syrian citizen may freely rent or sell such property.

However, purchasing a property though a company cannot grant citizenship to a Syrian citizen.


Syrias cannot purchase a property from Turkey. However, Syrian citizens may apply other methods of Turkish Citizenship programme such as 500.000USD. On the other hand, a Syrian citizen may open a company in Turkey and purchase a property through this company.

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